Monday, August 22, 2005

A Special Moment

My heart was touched last night as 39 young people and sponsors worshipped with the residents at Hearthstone. The Tabitha Class started this monthly service about 5 years ago and it has grown larger each year. Last night was a very special time.

We received word that a special Central Sister was placed at Hearthstone on Saturday. She was having difficulty adjusting and felt lonely and depressed. You would have been so proud of our young people. At the end of the service they got in a circle, held hands and lifted her up to our Father in song by singing A Common Love. The tears rolled from my eyes as well as my heart. That is the community that Jim was speaking about on Sunday morning. A community of believers, that truly care about all members of the body. Thanks Gary for giving us the information so our young people could minister. Robert and Natasha thanks for your leadership of the Central youth group. God has blessed our young people by sending you here.

May God Richly Bless our efforts this week in ministry!

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