Thursday, August 18, 2005


The MOPS ministry that started at Central a couple of years ago will begin a new fall session this September.

MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers. MOPS International exists to meet the needs of every mom - urban, suburban, and rural moms, stay-at-home and working moms, teen, single, and married moms who all share a similar desire to be the very best moms they can be! MOPS recognizes that the years from infancy through kindergarten are foundational in a mother-child relationship and are filled with unique needs. MOPS helps moms through relationships established in the context of local groups that provide a caring atmosphere for today's mother of young children. MOPS also encourages and supports moms through resources such as books, the daily MOMSense Radio program, and the MOPS to Mom Connection.

This Sunday after our closing prayer MOPS will have a special announcement for moms interested in being part of this special ministry.

See Shannon Wright for more information.

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