Thursday, August 04, 2005

No Child Left Behind

Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Back to School Prayer Night Challenge

August is an exciting time for kids as well as for parents. School is about to begin. Parents are buying their kids school supplies, kids are trying on new shoes, they are excited and anticipating another school year. Teachers are excited as well as stressed. They are busy preparing their classrooms for the new students they will have in a couple of weeks.

In January of 2002, President Bush signed a new education law that has changed education more than ever in the past 25 years.

The law is called No Child Left Behind.

This law is for accountability in education.

In Kansas, educators are responsible for the children in each of our schools. The goal is that by the year 2014 each student is proficient in reading, math, science and social studies. If students do not become proficient schools and educators will be held accountable.

In Osage City we have made huge gains in reaching our at-risk students. We have spent several thousands of dollars on programs to help students reach their utmost potential academically.

As we start a new school year we will be pouring all of our efforts into reaching each one of our kids once again. It’s a constant struggle with some but one we are determined to win.

We as educators and parents have certain responsibilities for our kids. But kids you have responsibilities this coming school year also:

1. Work hard (If you want to be successful this school year, work hard)
2. Do your very best (Turn your work in/Study/Be prepared)
3. Be Responsible (When given a task complete it)
4. Respect Others (Treat others kindly-Luke 6:31)

Ever thought about No Child Left Behind as a Christian.

I have the past few weeks.

We have spent billions on education trying to help each student become the very best academically but what are we doing to help No Child be Left Behind spiritually?

Adults these are our responsibilities this school year for our kids here at Central:

1. Pray for our kids (Daily-Our kids face many temptations each day)
2. Watch out for our kids (Danger-help them)
3. Be examples for our kids (Show our kids how to live a Christian life)
4. Encourage our kids (Letters/calls/cards)

The key is accountability. Loving our kids so much that we will help them in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We want each one to be a faithful follower of Christ.

Kids here are your responsibilities:

1. Keep God first this school year (Busy with school, activities)
2. Share your faith (Friends)
3. Attend worship, bible class and youth activities (Stay faithful)
4. Pray Daily (Relationship/Talk to your Father)

My prayer for you students as well as teachers and staff is to have the very best school year. Always giving your best in the classroom but most importantly to God.

Graduation is one of the most special events of the year. Watching students pick up their diplomas after 12 years of hard work. Many times I think about the situations they have been gone through and how they managed to overcome, to achieve this special recognition, being a high school graduate.

My degrees are important to me.

But more than diplomas, more than college degrees, being a faithful follower of God is the greatest thing you could ever do in your life.

I challenge our kids to have a great school year. Use the talents God has blessed you with at school as well as here at Central.

Remember we love you, we are here as a family to help you as you begin this new year.

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