Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Robert Andrews

Many of you have heard that Mark Andrews’ father, Robert, passed away on Saturday. We offer our condolences to Mark and Penny during this difficult time.

My family had the opportunity to know Robert and his wife, Eloise, when we attended the 15th Street Church of Christ in Ottawa for about 5 years.

Robert was an Elder and leader of the Ottawa Church.

Robert loved God and loved God’s Word. I often remember his quotation of scripture and his encouraging words to me in my efforts in ministry.

Robert will be missed greatly by the Ottawa Church. But God was ready to welcome him home after a long and productive life on this earth.

Robert will be remembered by me as one of those Giants of Faith in my life. He was a mentor, and such an encouragement, to my family when we moved to northeast Kansas.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Lord Reigns

"The LORD reigns,
He is clothed with majesty;
The Lord has clothed and girded Himself with strength;
Indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved.
Thy throne is established from of old;
Thou art from everlasting.
The floods have lifted up, O LORD,
The floods have lifted up their voice;
The floods have lifted up their pounding waves.
More than the sounds of many waters,
Than the mighty breakers of the sea,
The LORD on high is mighty.
Thy testimonies are fully confirmed;
Holiness befits Thy house,
O LORD, forever more.

Psalm 93

Friday, May 26, 2006

A Memorial Day Prayer

Memorial Day is a United States public holiday that takes place on the last Monday of May. It was formerly known as Decoration Day. This holiday commemorates U.S. men and women who died in military service for their country. It began first to honor Union soldiers who died during the American Civil War. After World War I, it expanded to include those who died in any war or military action. Today, many Americans use Memorial Day weekend to also honor family members who have passed away.

A Memorial Day Prayer

Eternal God, Creator of years, of centuries,
Lord of whatever is beyond time,
Maker of all species and master of all history --
How shall we speak to you from our smallness and inconsequence?
Except that you have called us to worship you in spirit and in truth;
You have dignified us with loves and loyalties;
You have lifted us up with your lovingkindnesses.
Therefore we are bold to come before you without groveling (though we sometimes feel that low) and without fear (thought we are often anxious).
We sing with spirit and pray with courage because you have dignified us;
You have redeemed us from the aimlessness of things' going meaninglessly well.
God, lift the hearts of those for whom this holiday is not just diversion, but painful memory and continued deprivation.
Bless those whose dear ones have died needlessly, wastefully (as it seems) in accident or misadventure.
We remember with compassion those who have died serving their countries in the futility of combat.
There is none of us but must come to bereavement and separation, when all the answers we are offered fail the question death asks of each of us.
We believe that you will provide for us as others have been provided with the fulfillment of "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
In the Name of Jesus,

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Last Day of School

Today is the last day of school for Osage City.

The kids are nuts right now!

I know the moms are getting excited just knowing the kids will be all theirs for the summer.

When you were younger, do you remember the last day of school? Thinking about summer vacation? Thinking about all the things you had planned to do. Swimming, sports, hiking, visiting relatives and family. When I was a kid, summer meant 12 hours a day outside with my friends playing baseball, football and basketball. We would get up early and stay outside until it was dark. We looked forward, with anticipation, being able to do that after school was out.

How about Christmas? Ever get so excited you couldn’t sleep because you were getting that gift you always wanted? I remember a special Christmas in Huntington Beach, California, in the early 70’s. My brother and I, along with our friends, knew we were getting new bicycles for Christmas. We couldn’t sleep. The excitement was too great. We decided to get up at 2:00 a.m. and see if those new shiny 10 speed bikes were out under the tree. Guess what? They were. My brother and I took those bikes, headed out the front door and met up with our friends at 2:00 in the morning and rode all over the neighborhood. The anticipation was so great. The excitement.

When you get older, anticipation, such as watching your kids or grandkids graduate, marry, get a job. Great excitement. But with all these exciting things that take place in our lives, the anticipation of living forever with our God needs to be at the center and forefront of our minds.

I get tired of the problems associated with living in this world. The older I get, I hurt more. Anyone else feel that way?

Disappointments are common.

I get frustrated dealing with people who are irrational and completely out of control on a daily basis.

The excitement that I used to get about this world and stuff has become tarnished. It doesn’t last. The exciting thing in a Christian’s life is thinking about Home. Thinking about Heaven.

Today, do you want satisfaction in your life? You can have the greatest satisfaction, excitement and security you could ever imagine by submitting to Jesus. Jesus endured what we deal with plus more than all of us will ever endure. He took all the sin of this world with him to the cross.

He can take your sins there too.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Last night at our 8th Grade Promotion Exercises, six students were selected to read essays that they had written about what was special during middle school years.

The students did a great job describing what their three years meant to them individually.

The theme throughout their speeches touched on relationships. The best part of their middle school years centered on friendships built with fellow classmates and relationships that they had built with teachers.

How true that is with the lives that we live. The relationships that we build help us focus on the most important aspect of life: building friendships with others.

Christ was a great example of this. Everywhere he went he looked for people. He was the ultimate “people person”. He met the needs of others.

I know I need to do a better job looking for those that are hurting on a daily basis.

It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness and forget about the needs of others.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Give Him the Glory

Actor Kevin Bacon recounted when his 6-year-old son saw Footloose for the first time:

He said, "Hey, Dad, you know that thing in the movie where you swing from the rafters of that building? That's really cool, how did you do that?"

I said, "Well, I didn't do that part--it was a stunt man."

"What's a stunt man?" he asked.

"That's someone who dresses like me and does things I can't do."

"Oh," he replied and walked out of the room looking a little confused.

A little later he said, "Hey, Dad, you know that thing in the movie where you spin around on that gym bar and land on your feet?

How did you do that?"

I said, "Well, I didn't do that. It was a gymnastics double."

"What's a gymnastics double?" he asked.

"That's a guy who dresses in my clothes and does things I can't do." There was silence from my son, then he asked in a concerned voice, "Dad, what did you do?"

"I got all the glory," I replied.

That's the grace of God in our lives. Jesus took our sin upon Himself and did what we couldn't do. We have victory over sin and death because Jesus paid our debt in full!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Christian Family Services

I know we all enjoyed hearing Mark Barone from Christian Family Services yesterday morning. Appreciate so much his ministry in counseling and working with individuals and families in crisis situations.

Christian Family Services of the Midwest is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit, family service organization governed and staffed by Christians who honor the sanctity of all human life. They exist to provide services to help people who struggle with personal crises and troubled relationships and to enhance the quality of family life. They have been serving the Kansas City metropolitan area since 1982.

As a result of the services, people find solutions to their problems and direction for their lives. Young women experiencing unplanned pregnancies receive emotional support and help in making critical plans affecting their children and themselves. Children are place in adoptive homes where they are loved and cherished. Individuals and families are strengthened through their counseling services. Christian Family Services is creating a world where every child is valued and no family is broken.

For more information contact:
Christian Family Services (CFS)
10500 Barkley, Ste. 216
Overland Park, KS 66212
Local - 913-383-3337
Toll Free (in Kansas) - 877-560-4428

Friday, May 19, 2006

More Love to Thee, o Christ

Elizabeth Prentiss, the wife of a minister, spent most of her adult life as an invalid, seldom knowing a day without constant pain throughout her body. Yet she was described by her friends as a bright-eyed, cheery woman with a keen sense of humor.

Elizabeth was always strong in her faith and she always encouraged others, until tragedy struck her family beyond what even she could bear.

Elizabeth and her husband lost two of their children. The loss of two of their children brought great sorrow to Elizabeth’s life. For weeks, no one could console her. In her diary she wrote of “empty hands, a worn-out, exhausted body, and a longing to flee from a world that has so many sharp experiences.”

During this period of grief, Elizabeth cried out to God, asking Him to minister to her broken spirit. It was at this time that Elizabeth’s pain brought something inspirational to all of us!

For many years, Christians have been encouraged as they sing the words penned by Elizabeth Prentiss in her deepest sorrow:

More love to Thee, O Christ,
more love to Thee!
Hear Thou the prayer
I make on bended knee;

This is my earnest plea:
More love, O Christ, to Thee…

Once earthly joy I craved,
sought peace and rest;
Now Thee alone I seek—
Give what is best;

This all my prayer shall be:
More love, O Christ, to Thee…

Let sorrow do its work,
send grief and pain;
Sweet are Thy messengers,
sweet their refrain,

When they can sing with me,
More love, O Christ, to Thee…

Then shall my latest breath
whisper Thy praise;
This be the parting cry
my heart shall raise;

This still its prayer shall be:
More love, O Christ, to Thee.

Elizabeth Prentiss…out of her pain and agony…wrote one of the most inspirational Christians songs in our songbook. Something good came from her tragedy.

Likewise, something good can come from our painful situations. For God promises in His word that He will work all things together for our good. Jesus' pain resulted in the redemption of mankind. Our pain can result in something positive as well.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Times About Up

Graduation. A time for change. For many, an exciting time to look back on accomplishments and honors. For some, missed opportunities. For some, no graduation and no positive look towards the future.

Time’s about up.

When I was a teacher, I would tell my senior history students that phrase many times during the last few weeks of school to remind them to get their semester projects turned in because time’s about up.

For the majority, students were well prepared and turned in everything looking forward to graduation day. But for a few, no hope, no aspirations, time was finally up.

Life is like that also. Time’s about up for all of us. I pray that we will use our time in a way to serve others and serve our God. Be in that relationship that you need to be in with your God, your spouse, your family, your business associates, your friends so you won't be disappointed on that special day.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A Safe Place

"The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it, and they are safe" (Proverbs 18:10).

Monday, May 15, 2006

Running the Race

Hours behind the runner in front of him, the last marathoner finally entered the Olympic stadium. By that time, the drama of the day's events was almost over and most of the spectators had gone home. This athlete's story, however, was still being played out.

Limping into the arena, the Tanzanian runner grimaced with every step, his knee bleeding and bandaged from an earlier fall. His ragged appearance immediately caught the attention of the remaining crowd, who cheered him on to the finish line.

Why did he stay in the race? What made him endure his injuries to the end? When asked these questions later, he replied, "My country did not send me 7,000 miles away to start the race. They sent me 7,000 miles to finish it."

Likewise, we as Christians are to finish the race of life. Although we will stumble and endure many hardships, we must get back on our feet and continue running the race. We must make it to the finish line so that we may receive the crown of life.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Sunday May 14 Order of Worship

Order of Worship
Sunday, May 14, 2006


Psalm 29: 1-2, 4

202 Joyful, Joyful, we Adore Thee (Verse 1 and 4)
238 You Are the Song That I Sing
781 Thank You, Lord


Oft We Come Together


Dismiss 2x2

Light the Fire


Invitation 790 Lord, Take Control (Sing Twice)


Senior Recognition

Mothers Day Recognition

Closing Prayer

Friday, May 12, 2006

Mothers Day

Mom's have the toughest job's in all the world. They serve the needs of so many. Their lives are lives of service to others. They do without so the kids can have the very best. They iron shirts when they would rather rest from a long hard day working. They teach Bible classes and encourage others throughout their days. They support their husbands in their careers and encourage them when times are difficult. They sacrifice so much because of the love they have for their children!

Happy Mother's day to my mom and my children’s mother. You two are perfect examples of Good and Faithful Servants. Thank you for your greatest blessing, praying for your children!


Lord, for my children I would pray
That they may seek Thee every day
Through life, with all its storms and stress
Its sorrows, grief and bitterness.
In disappointments fly to Thee
For comfort, strength and sympathy.
And never find a truer friend,
But love and serve Thee to the end.
That they may take Thee as their Guide,
To lead them all the way beside;
Their Counselor when troubled o'er
The many problems at youth's door.
If overwhelmed by dark despair,
Oh teach them how through faith and prayer
To crush this subtle devil's snare
And rest within Thy loving care.
For them no dizzy heights of fame I crave,
nor great and worldly gain,
In humble service let them aim
To spread the honor of Thy name.
That in this dark world may they shine
Their lives reflect Love Divine
Their object now their pleasure then,
Obedience to Thy will. Amen.

Author Unknown

Thursday, May 11, 2006

A Bible School Drop-Out?

Why Kids Drop Out
2000 National Survey

1. Classes not interesting (47%).
2. Missed too many days could not catch-up (43%)
3. Spent time with people who were not interested in school (42%)
4. Too much freedom/not enough rules (38%)
5. Failing classes (35%)

When I read these survey results this past week in my office, I thought about why do members of the Church drop out of bible Class?

I came up with the following possible reasons:

1. Not relevant
2. Boring
3. Don’t like the people in my class
4. Don’t like the teacher
5. Have to get up to early

Could it be that we really don’t understand what God did for us? Could it be that we really don’t want to know Jesus like we should by getting into God’s Word and finding more and more information about the Savior of the Universe? Could it be that we really don’t understand what it means to serve, submit and be humble? It does mean that we understand all about self-centeredness, selfishness and pride.

Have you dropped out of Bible Class lately? Why don’t you come back this Sunday and enjoy the blessings God provides his people through study of his Word!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Now Choose Life

I have set before you life and death,
blessings and curses. Now choose life,
so that you and your children may live
and that you may love the LORD your God,
listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.
For the LORD is your life,

Deuteronomy 30:19-20
(New International Version)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Faith Stories

I need your help today. Please give me your stories of faith in the comment section today. Times when you experienced God working in your lives in extraordinary ways. This is for a class that I'm working on for the summer quarter called "Riding the Tides of Faith" for the Young Professional-College Class.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Teacher Appreciation Week

This is National Teacher Appreciation Week. I am thankful for the thousands of school teachers that challenge our students everyday across our great country.

Thank you for giving so much to make our kids successful young people.

Look what teachers were expected to do in 1915. Times have changed.

Rules for teachers in 1915

1. You will not marry during the term of your contract.
2. You are not to keep company with men.
3. You must be home between the hours of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. unless attending a school function.
4. You may not loiter downtown in ice cream stores.
5. You may not travel beyond city limits unless you have the permission of the chairman of the board.
6. You may not ride in a carriage or automobile with any man unless he is your father or brother.
7. You may not smoke cigarettes.
8. You may not dress in bright colors.
9. You may under no circumstances dye your hair.
10. You must wear at least two petticoats.
11. Your dresses must not be any shorter than two inches above the ankle.
12. To keep the school room neat and clean, you must:
* sweep the floor at least once a day.
* scrub the floor at least once a week with hot, soapy water.
* clean the blackboards at least once a day.
* start the fire at 7 a.m. so the room will be warm by 8 a.m.

Friday, May 05, 2006


It still amazes me how kids learn to read. Hard to explain. It amazes teachers also. I have been in education now for 21 years and it still brings smiles to my face when I hear a student in kindergarten reading their first words. It is a very special time.

But what I enjoy even better is hearing young kids in Bible Classes reading God's Word. There is no better book to read than the Bible with the exciting stories of Noah, Moses, David and Goliath, Peter, Paul, and Stephen. There is nothing better than a young person reading the story about the Creation, the 10 Commandments, The Fiery Furnace, The Birth of Christ and the Crucifixion.

We need to encourage our kids to read. But we need to encourage our kids to read the Greatest Story that was ever written, God's Word. A story about a Savior that loved us so much that He gave himself for us.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Time Together

One of my favorite places to go for relaxation is a small town in northwest Arkansas called Berryville. The town of about 3,000 is located 10 miles east of Eureka Springs and has become a special place for Debbie and I to go once a summer for some much needed rest and time together (golf).

Every marriage starts out the same by saying, “I do”. It takes commitment to keep that marriage going strong year after year after year. We felt early in our marriage that short 2-3 day trips where we could spend some quality time talking with each other and listening to each other was an important part of our life-long journey that we needed to make a successful relationship.

Have you ever spent 13+ hours on a golf course with someone in one day? Deb the avid golfer that she is, and me of course (the sacrificial husband just along for the ride) usually get out to Carroll County Country Club in Berryville at 7:00 a.m. and usually we are the last to leave around 8:30 in the evening. We of course, play golf but we talk about life. We talk about our joys and our struggles. We talk about the boys and their futures. We talk about the Church and our relationship with God. We even talk a little golf along the way. I enjoy that three days every year. Usually the weather is perfect, HOT, like I like it. Green grass and flowers. Beautiful Ozark mountain scenery and clean fresh air. Sometimes in the afternoon, we are the only ones on the course.

It’s a great time to enjoy the beautiful wife that God has blessed me with. I encourage every married couple to find someplace where you can go (doesn’t have to be expensive or very far away) and get away from all the distractions of life and enjoy the company of each other for a couple of days. We have grown in our marriage the past 24 years by escaping to a special place where we can enjoy the company of each other.

P.S. Deb: I am looking forward to our summer get-a-way this June!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


As you can see, I have updated my web blog this past week thanks to my in-house technology expert (Craig). I have been wanting to update for a while but just couldn't find the time needed to do it.

Life is a busy "rat race" where we get so distracted from really whats important in life that we forget to appreciate family and friends. I appreciate Craig so much. He is so talented in so many areas of his life. I love to listen to him sing at Church. I really love to hear him sing along with Lavon and Josh. That's Heavenly Music!!

Craig have a good time at Pepperdine this week. Enjoy the lectureship and appreciate the teaching and worship you will experience with the 6,000 others that will be there.

I appreciate you very much!



Monday, May 01, 2006

New Deacons

Congratulations to our new Deacons that were installed yesterday morning:

Evan Burdan
Mike Farrar
Bryan Phillips
Steve Shatto
Scott Smith

Be in prayer for these men as well as our current Deacons as they begin their new ministry duties at Central

Christmas 2018 in Las Vegas and Texas