Monday, August 01, 2005

Monday Morning Misc

Guess what time it is? Three weeks away. School. I can’t believe how time flies. After a busy summer waiting for the Legislature to finally funds schools for the 2005-06 school year and a short vacation last week with the family we are busy preparing our new budget, working on negotiations and preparing buildings for the kids and staff.

I love August. It reminds me of new beginnings, and kids smiling faces, when they come to school wearing their new shoes and seeing friends that they haven’t seen all summer.

For me it is also an emotional roller coaster. I want everything to be perfect for teachers, staff, students and parents. That’s why several of us work around the clock making sure everything is taken care of so we will be ready for that first day of school.

My Monday prayer for myself and for you is that we prepare our lives spiritually more than we do for the physical aspects of this world. The Treasure Principal has been a great study and one that helps us examine our priorities.

What a great 5th Sunday singing last night! I believe that was the best singing I have heard at Central in years. Thanks Carl for organizing the evening. I appreciate so many, leading worship and using their talents God has blessed them with.

Yesterday morning we had 309 in worship. Lets continue to encourage each other and welcome all those visiting with us at Central. Many are looking for a place to call home!

May God richly bless you this week!

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