Monday, August 15, 2005

A Great God

God is very much active in the lives of his people today. Yesterday we attended worship at Quail Springs in Oklahoma City and heard a modern day story of how God was working in a Christian community. When a family was at their lowest level God worked through a church to be a blessing at the right moment in time.

As I was listening to the story I was thinking about Central. How God has worked through the Central Church to bless the lives of so many over the years.

The Family of God at Central has been a great blessing and continues to help and minister within the Central Family as well as to the Topeka Community and around the world in mission efforts in India, France, South Africa and other places.

What can I do this week to minister and allow God to work in the lives of people? God’s love and grace can help so many difficult situations that we feel we can’t deal with and allow us to hand them over to the One that can. He can provide that calm and inner peace that we so desperately need.

“And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His Heavenly Kingdom” 2 Timothy 4:18

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