Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What Makes Worship Great!

What makes a Sunday Worship really special?

I had an e-mail from someone a couple of weeks ago asking me why are some Sunday’s really celebratory while some are like a trip to the dentist’s office?

I believe there are three things that can make our Sunday worship experience more fulfilling for the worshippers and more pleasing to God.

One is having the right spirit and attitude to worship. What do you do to prepare for the worship that you will be giving to God on Sunday morning? Do you prepare the night before? It’s a special time. Do you prepare and contemplate what you will be experiencing as a corporate body?

Many times we hurry out the door after oversleeping and maybe we have even had a fight with the kids on the way to church. It's tough to be in a worship mood if all these distractions are on your mind.

Second, have you prayed about the worship that you will be giving to God? Have you prayed for the leaders of our worship service? Have you prayed to God to take all the distractions away so you can really worship the Living God?

Third, do you take an active part in the service? Do you sing or do you complain they are too new or too old of hymns? Do you give God the praise that He deserves?

Remember worship begins with the right frame of mind and what you give determines what you receive.

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