Monday, April 21, 2008

The Pope

The following is a blog from Jim White, Minister of the Southwest Church of Christ in Omaha, Nebraska.

I have been somewhat bemused by the visit of the pope to the United States. I don't even think that's probably the right word. Perhaps I can use a number of others to better describe my thoughts. Amazed. Amused. Glad. Confused. I could probably come up with a few more, but right now I'm at a loss.The pomp and circumstance that has happened. Limousines, helicopters, the popemobile; Holy Father, Reverend, Supreme Shepherd; Elaborate robes, miters, kissing of the hand, and on and on. I just heard a cardinal express their extreme loyalty to this man. I haven't heard the name Jesus very much. Mother Mary, yes. Our Savior. Some. But I really haven't heard Jesus' name. When you read Paul's epistles, over and over he invokes the name of Jesus. You get the impression he really does mean it when he expresses his devotion to Jesus. I don't know. I don't see Jesus coming to this earth in the midst of this publicity. I see Him walking down the streets of New York City, not in the elaborate cathedrals of the city. I see Him talking to the poor and downtrodden, not to world leaders and those in positions of power. Perhaps I'm wrong. But I don't think so. I see Him speaking from the heart, not from a book held in front of Him. I see Him among the common people, not those wearing the fancy robes. Where do I get this? How many times die He heal and tell the recipient not to tell anyone? His popularity wavered, not declined. There is an upside to this, though. How many are at least getting a glimpse, albeit a small one, of Christianity? How many are being called to repent? Only God knows the sincerity and the value of this. I'm just praying that the world will see Jesus as He is, not the pomp that is being placed before it. I hope your day is a good one.

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