Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cherish God's Word

If you heard the sports news last week, you probably heard an interesting story out of the University of Florida.

The University of Florida won the NCAA Football Championship in 2006. The champions receive a Waterford Crystal Trophy that is shaped like a football. A very expensive and beautiful piece of artwork

Last week it was broken. It was on a coffee table in one of the coaches offices, the table was bumped, the crystal fell to the floor and broke.

What surprises me about this story is a trophy that is so valuable, and one that should be under glass was on a coffee table in a office. No protection to keep it safe.

At the University of Oklahoma, their NCAA Championship awards are under security glass with special lighting and security cameras. Something that valuable needs to be cherished and taken care of.

Something that Christians need to do is to cherish and take care of God’s Word. In today's society we need it more than ever.

The Bible is God’s revelation to mankind. For the Christian its our daily bread, our daily guide, it shows us how to deal with every situation that will arise during the day and during our lifetime. But what do we do with this special book? Many times we lay it on a coffee table and allow it to collect dust.

I encourage you to open this book, and share it with others and see what God has in store for our lives as we drink from his Holy Words.

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