Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Struggling with God in Prayer

Did you know it is okay to struggle with our Heavenly Father in prayer? Paul said of Epaphras that he “labored fervently” for them in prayer (Col. 4:12). The two words are translated from one Greek word—agonizomai—and I think you can see our word “agonize” in it. It is defined as meaning to struggle.

It may well mean that as far as we are able to see God not acting as we hoped he would. It is especially relevant when we, or our loved ones are very sick, and perhaps told that the illness is terminal.
It also is relevant when our concern is for a great cause. We have many great causes before us at Central. Are we laboring fervently, struggling, agonizing, in prayer to see them come to pass? Should we even begin prayer groups and assign them to agonize, struggle in prayer over given efforts and ministries to spread God’s Word in Topeka?

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