Thursday, June 16, 2005

A Question for Today-Recommitment

Can you identify a point in time when honest reflection caused you to really question whether you were truly committed to Christ? If you said yes, please think about who or what helped you through this transitional stage of your faith in Jesus Christ.

In a survey Christian college students were asked to tell how and why they recommitted themselves to Christ, and to describe the times they struggled with serious doubts about their faith. Below are some of the results from the survey:

*As I went forth as a new Christian I found that old friends alienated me because I wasn't interested in the same things anymore. Through my youth group, though, I found new friends to hold me accountable and remind me that God wouldn't let me fall away.
*Before I was baptized I doubted my salvation because I was doing things that weren't Christian. I prayed to God and relied on him to help me through this time.
*Being surrounded by committed Christians in my youth group made me question if I was living out a true Christian walk. After recommitting my life to Christ on a youth retreat I began to grow in Christ.
*During my parents' divorce I was unsure why I was going through all these troubles. I felt that God had abandoned me. Through talking it out with my youth minister he helped me to focus my trust on the Lord.
*For a year after becoming a Christian, there was no evidence of spiritual fruit. After a second summer at camp listening again to the sermons and the gospel, I was both comforted and recommitted by and to my faith. The next year I began to grow in Christ.
*I am still struggling with my walk with Christ.
*I asked God to become real to me. I fasted and prayed until he did.
*I had made a commitment to live for Christ the previous year in my life. Over the next year I destroyed my promise to God. Luckily God worked in my life to reconcile our relationship, and he drew me into his arms once again.
*I have doubted before, but it was because of Satan putting thoughts in my head like "A Christian could never have thought or done that." I didn't understand that I am still a sinner, even though I'm saved.
*I was at a secular college and I really was struggling and a person was brought into my life who I believe was sent by God to help me figure it all out.
*No–however I constantly question my beliefs and those of others to figure out what is really true to me. I think it is healthy to dig into your beliefs because there are a lot of people that don't know why they believe certain things.
*When I began my freshman year at college I felt that I had back-slid a lot. My life was out of control and that is when I had to ask myself if I truly believed in him. At that point everything began to change because I truly did believe in him.

Do you remember a moment in time–perhaps almost as personally significant to you as your conversion–where you would say that your commitment to Christ was especially launched or solidified? During the next few days think about your initial commitment that you made to Christ. Are you still as committed?

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