Wednesday, June 15, 2005

God Ever Talk to You?

God has been talking to me quite a bit lately. Everywhere I go He is there with the same message. When I get up at 5:00 in the morning and head out for my daily three-mile run of beautiful rural Osage City He is speaking to me. When I head to the office He is speaking to me. As I work at my desk and interact with people during the day He is there speaking the same words. You want to know what He is saying to me?

He is telling me I need to recommit. David, you need to prioritize and change some things in your life. You need to be a servant, you need to slow down and appreciate what I have given you. Do you even know what that is?

For the past several weeks, us elders have prayed and prayed about recommitting to God and to the flock at Central. We feel now its time to take the next bold step.

Please be praying for us as we communicate to you the Central Family what God has been touching our hearts with for the past several weeks. Be praying for Sunday, June 19. We are excited as the day approaches but also a little apprehensive to stand before God’s people with a new challenge and vision.

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