Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Mexico Day 3

It was nice sleeping in this morning after a long day yesterday of golf and travel. We ate a quick bite at I-Hop and drove south to El Paso, Texas. This was going to be a sightseeing day because of the chance for rain and cool weather.

We drove all around the El Paso and Mexican border area. We went by the horse track at Sunland then off to the University of Texas El Paso. I have always been intrigued about the football stadium. The Sun Bowl is a unique stadium built inside a mountain. We were fortunate that the gates were open and got to go onto the field. I watch the Sun Bowl every New Years Day on CBS TV. Finally, I got the chance to see the stadium.

We had a great view from the stadium of Juarez, Mexico. The poverty was unbelievable.

We drove around Fort Bliss and Biggs Army Base. The amount of construction taking place at both military bases is amazing . Tax dollars at work.

We drove by another golf course that I would like to play (in warmer weather) someday, Butterfield Trail. It's a beautiful desert course west of El Paso.

We took the mountain trip back to the western side. It was a beautiful trip over the Franklin Mountains.

Of course, we had to stop at the Outlet Shoppes in El Paso. After two hours, we decided it was time to head north for some supper.

We ate dinner at a great steak house. The Great American Cattle and Steak House. As you can see the T-Bone was GREAT!

The drive back to Las Cruces was beautiful as we saw the sun set over the desert ending day 3.

Today GOLF!

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