Friday, August 29, 2008

Content in What we Do


Why are so many miserable in this world? People today live in a society that offers everything that you could ever possibly want but individuals are increasingly more depressed and unhappier than ever before.

Why have we made the decision that we need more and more stuff to be truly happy? I often tell young people to enjoy every job that they have because you will learn many work strategies and skills that will help you in your future occupations.

I can truly say that I have enjoyed every job that I have ever had. I started out cooking hamburgers at Burger Chef at Woodlands Hills Mall in Tulsa when I was 16. It was a job where I learned how to work with people. How to deal with stress and time management. Skills that have hopefully helped me over the past 30 years. Then I worked construction. Hard physical work during the summer. Then, work on a trash truck during the hot summer days, running from stop to stop so I could stay in good physical shape and….the faster I worked the sooner I could get to the gym to play basketball. Then I was a boiler cleaner outer. A dirty hot job, but one in which I learned that I wanted an education so I would not have to do this my entire life. Then it was Dillard’s as a suit salesman. Learning people skills.

Your job can be fun and enjoyable if you have the right attitude and use it as a ministry to others.

In our Young Professionals class, we pray each Sunday that God will use us in our variety of jobs, occupations and as college students to be that light in this dark world.

Each day I pray that God will use me as his instrument. He knows those I will come in contact with and those that need a smile or affirmation.

How about you? Job getting you down? How about trying a new approach - being positive and led by God as He gives you opportunities to minister to those around you.

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