Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I See God

A sister sent this to me this past week. She was touched that she sees God at work in the Central Body. Where do you see God?

At Central:

I see God in the way people treat each other regardless of race, socioeconomic status, age, gender....

I see God in our elders who fervently pray for the flock and take the time to pray for specific individuals as the need arises...

I see God in our children's ministry through women who take the time out of their busy schedules and coordinate the classes for the children and arrange activities for them. These women are not paid a penny for their efforts and Central has one of the best children's ministries around...

I see God in our prayer pager ministry. People who receive the prayer pagers are so encouraged when they hear the pager buzz over and over again and even in the middle of the night because people are praying for them...

I see God in the forgiving spirit in the people. No one is ostracized when they fall in sin and ask for forgiveness. When a brother or sister is in sin, they are lovingly encouraged to turn away from that sin. When someone has been delinquent, people are constantly trying to encourage them back and when they do come back, they are welcomed with open arms...

I see God when someone is moving and 30 people show up with trucks and trailers to help them...

I see God when people are in the hospital. Case in point, when a sister recently was taken to the hospital on a Sunday and found out she had a brain tumor. Her and her family had not been to church regularly in a few months. When people found out at Sunday night services, many people showed up at the hospital to support the family, her husband, and to pray with them. I saw God's forgiveness, love and mercy in that situation...

I also feel God when Evan gives a sermon that pricks my heart and steps on my toes. Because of God's love, I know that I can be forgiven and God gives me chances over and over again. I do not have to feel guilty...

I could go on and on and give you countless situations where I have seen God and felt God at Central. I wanted to share that with you.

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