Monday, February 04, 2008

A Week Without E-Mail?

What would happen if I decided on March 14 not to check my e-mail for an entire week (including weekends)?

I couldn’t imagine the amount of e-mails I would have stored up. I usually receive about 100 e-mails a day as a school superintendent. Some are family related, some church related but the majority are school business.

Spring break would be a quieter period to go e-mail free for a week. Could I make it?

Many involved in business are trying to practice this once a year. A way to reduce stress and have a “quiet down period” of rest.

Debbie and I are thinking about taking a much-needed relaxing spring break trip to a warm southern state. Could I actually go e-mail free for that week?

The only bad thing…………when I get back from the trip and check my e-mail I might need another vacation.

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."--Matthew 11:28

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