Thursday, October 19, 2006

Elders/Deacons Meeting Minutes (October 17)

Central Church of Christ
Shepherds/Deacons Meeting Minutes

Rex Allen, Evan Burdan, Steve Shatto
Roger Hamm, Mike Farrar, Joe Todd
Gary Souder, Kurt Johnston, Steve Toillion
Bryan Phillips, Carl Wheeler

Presiding: Roger Reading Titus 2:11-15
Opening prayer: Steve T

Treasurer’s report: Ed McCoy
Average contribution for the year: 6,534.77
Total Assets: 134,276.54

Steve T. suggested we consider separating the building fund from the maintenance work that will be done to the new church property.

Bryan to check on the tax consequences of renting the acquired house for a short period of time.

Joe summarized the deacons meeting last month. They mainly talked about budget items for 2007

Steve T. gave an update on the building committees work. The cost of a dream structure at the new property is over 11 million dollars. Alternative building plans are being looked into that will cut the cost dramatically.

Roger brought up some concerns over too many people giving spontaneous announcements. All agreed that we need to have some guidelines concerning content and frequency of announcements.

Steve T suggested that we change the calendar structure in our News & Notes and bulletin to reflect one continuous calendar rather than individual group calendars.

Kurt expressed some concerns over the rush of serving communion from the back. He felt we need to take time to focus on what we doing and not hurry people who are being served.

Carl said he and the worship committee are working on an interesting service for November 1st when Evan will be out of town.

Joe has a ceiling contractor coming in a few days to fix the ceiling tile in the auditorium. Joe has been picking up people for sometime now and has agreed to expand his route to accommodate an additional family for a while.

Rex reported on the program change for the Search Program. It has been moved to Channel 43 (Fox) on Sunday mornings at 7:30am because of a scheduling problem with WIBW.
Rex brought up the fact that it would probably be better to lead more than one verse for the invitation song.

Roger gave us to summary of the direction the children’s ministry is going and some proposed physical improvements being considered for the nursery.

Gary commended Joe and Mark Cox for the recent carpet laying in one of our classrooms. Comments were made about how so many do so many things behind the scenes that most people don’t know about. Case in point the new paint work in the 2X2 room by Wayne Brown and Ken & Cherie’ Burkhart. It is now a happy room.

Anthony Drieling family needs some help moving next Thursday. 10-26-06

Sharon Easterling is going to do some library work in our building and eventually link our resources to our web site.

Closing prayer: Carl Wheeler

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